Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Welcome Back!

Hey UNITE! Welcome back to a new semester here at UIUC.

We can't wait to get our year rolling, and so far we are off to a good
start.  We kicked off our recruiting at the College of Education
Welcome Fest this past Thursday, and then saw a lot of student traffic
at Quad Day.  Both were pretty warm days, but we are excited to meet
all of our new prospective members.

Speaking of members...don't forget our info night is TONIGHT (8/28) at
7pm in 391 Gregory Hall.  Also, we are stoked for our first meeting
that will be held Tuesday, September 4 at 7pm in 259 English Building.
 We are looking forward to seeing old and new faces at both meetings!

Looking past our initial meetings, we have planned a very exciting new
year.  In the not so far off future we have a few workshops at UNITE
National in Chicago, a fun service trip one weekend, as well as many
speakers, hot topics for discussions, fundraising events, and even a
few socials!  To learn more about the workshops coming up at
nationals, visit their website or stay tuned with our e-mails.  Our
service trip is going to be to St. Louis so we can learn more about
urban areas other than Chicago.  We got a good taste of it with our
spring break trip to Minneapolis, MN and that's why we want to offer a
mini weekend service trip in the fall before we go on another
week-long adventure in the spring.  Meetings, fundraising events, and
socials will all be highlighted in our emails as well as we will be
updating you all on our progress here!

As I mentioned about a million times we are super excited for the new
semester!  Make sure to keep reading our updates here, in the e-mails,
and on the website.

See you soon!